Nouveaux Dimensions is proud to present the From Ballin’ To Business™ Power Symposium. Slated for Saturday, February 1, 2020, the event takes place during Super Bowl Weekend in the heart of Miami, FL. 

The ultimate networking and empowerment event for pro athletes, executives, entrepreneurs and influencers, this exclusive experience is perfect for savvy professionals and leaders. 



Register and attend the From Ballin' To Business™ Symposium and be a part of the 2020 Super Bowl Weekend! Light refreshments and lunch included with registration. Get your ticket today!

Eventbrite - From Ballin' To Business Power Symposium - Super Bowl 2019

Come and enjoy the latest networking and empowerment experience for pro athletes, executives, sports professionals, entrepreneurs and tastemakers. Check out the Program Highlights to learn more!

From Ballin' To Business™ features an incredible roster of speakers, motivators and influencers. Learn, connect and make moves with our distinguished selection of hosts, sponsors and community partners. Join Us!